What is Consulting?

Consulting Industry 4.0 by META 2i

We are currently in the middle of phase 4 of the industrial revolution. Also called the industry of the future, Industry 4.0 is more than ever a challenge for today’s manufacturers. It is the new generation of factories with digitalization and inter-connectivity: the interoperability of systems.  

During the whole consulting process, META 2i puts at your disposal all its business expertise, a know-how of 30 years of experience!

The objective of consulting

The purpose of consulting is to give you a concrete approach to Industry 4.0 by offering real solutions to your problems. It is important to know that this practice does not commit you in any way! We are here to advise you on your choices and the future of your company by being as close as possible to you on a daily basis.

A concrete case of consulting?

1/ The problem encountered by our customer.

With the objective of crossing the 4.0 threshold, a client called upon our know-how. It is important to know that the 4.0 market welcomes many new players because of its attractiveness and its added value to companies. Our client, in the middle of a reflection on the subject but not a 4.0 specialist, was lost in the diversity of offers on the market. It was therefore difficult to orientate themselves and to know where to go.

2/ The solutions brought. 

We proceeded to a complete diagnosis of his company in order to establish an action plan adapted to the needs and available resources of the structure. 

Then, we helped him to establish a complete and customized specifications for a 4.0 project.  

3/ Results obtained. 

Conquered by the proposals of solutions brought by our teams to the problems suffered by the company for many years (work organization, information transmission, too high scrap rate, etc.), the company was able to launch an Industry 4.0 project with an MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) in direct link with the ERP that was installed before the implementation of KmProd5.

We were able to adapt to the client’s specific needs and operations, and today the company has seen a real gain in time, which is reflected in an increase in activity and a 15% reduction in rejects.

More than 50 industrial sites across 4 countries already trust us!

So why not you?

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