The main steps in launching an MES project

Discovering the need

It is very important to target the key areas in the workshop for which the MES implementation will be done first. It will also be necessary to determine a few pilot machines in order to validate the desired operation before deploying it on all the machines… 

The MES project will result from this first questioning if the company has a real need and according to its priority. 

The evaluation of the need

Once put forward, it will be necessary to know the scope of this project. For this, it is possible to use different methods:


Internal specialized person

In order to study the elements of this project which will represent a more or less important investment according to the need, it is essential to put in charge the most qualified person on the subject. This type of evaluation can therefore be carried out internally. However, there are other methods if you do not have the resources and skills for this study internally.



Another solution to evaluate your needs is to work with a consulting company to develop your specifications. The main advantages of this option are the quality of the very complete deliverables. This will allow MES solution integrators to provide you with the most accurate budget possible. Another advantage is the expertise provided by the consulting expert.

Launch of the MES project 

The launch of the MES project will take place in different steps adapted to each project. To give you an overview of the MES software installation process, here is an example of an MES project launch: 

Following the choice of your MES software supplier, you will be able to launch your project with him by following different steps proposed in advance. Each step will have to answer a problematic to which the software will be able to answer in due time. 

analyse Plan de travail 1

This is why, in general, an MES project will start with a POC (Proof Of Concept) on a machine or a workshop, depending on the need, which will respond to the company’s first problem. The integrator will then install the software on the predefined machine to solve this first problem.

This first installation will go through different phases similar to each step: 

  • Screen testing
  • Correction and improvement
  • Deployment on the machine
  • Training of operators (if needed)

Deploying a project step by step allows for flexibility during the entire project. This is why it is recommended to use the agile method for an MES project. This will allow the manufacturer to face unexpected events and to make changes during the project thanks to communication and collaboration with the MES solution integrator’s development teams.

What's next?

The launch of an MES software is a long term project, it is therefore important for an industrial site to foresee its future needs. It is in this perspective that it is necessary to consider a continuous improvement in order to prepare its future projects.
As the publisher of its KmProd MES software, META 2i offers its customers support in evaluating their needs and proposing the most suitable solutions and planning to meet their various requirements. Thanks to its great adaptability, KmProd is able to meet the needs of each industrial sector.

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