The main benefits of MES software

MES software is production management software that, by collecting real-time production data from a factory or shop floor, is able to connect, monitor and control complex manufacturing systems and data flows at the shop floor level for better productivity and performance.

The main objective of an MES is the optimization of activities, from the creation of the manufacturing order to the finished product, improving production efficiency.

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What are the main benefits of MES software?

  • Better productivity: This is possible thanks to the improvement of the OEE and the possibility of making decisions in real time. This results in a reduction of unexpected events. MES will also allow the operational staff to better organize their work by giving them active supervision thanks to reliable data, in real time and with a risk of error reduced to its minimum.
  • Scrap management: An MES solution can quickly detect all production line anomalies so that you can quickly correct them to limit material and consumable consumption.
  • Less paper: Real-time data management of production, waste, inventory, etc., are recorded in the MES, so no paper is used and no manual data entry is required. Without manual intervention, the rate of data entry errors is considerably reduced in your production workshops (as well as the mental workload of the operators who have to perform these entries).
  • Get a holistic view of the plant: Because plant equipment can now be connected to the cloud and equipped with IoT sensors, manufacturing managers can stay informed about the status of the shop floor and other key metrics by connecting remotely to a digital representation of the plant.

Go even further with KmProd, MES software adaptable to each industrial process:


KmProd stands out from other MES by its flexibility! Adapting up to 50%, it is possible to implement KmProd regardless of your sector of activity while keeping the cost of deployment and implementation time reasonable.

Our multi-sector experience allows you to benefit from the experience deployed in our previous projects. This unique strategy offers the customer the right price while maintaining a high level of service and innovation.

The transition to an MES software adapted to your production and your realities is the daily work of our teams. We will be able to answer your needs and give you a visibility on the feasibility of your project. Don’t hesitate, contact us here and ask for an appointment!

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