How can KmProd MES help you achieve ISO 9001?


What is ISO 9001?

The ISO 9001 standard is a standardized certification that allows you to prove to your customers and your teams that you manage your processes correctly, in the service of quality and respect of standards. It is a guarantee of quality for anyone who would like to work with you!

Who is concerned by the ISO 9001 standard?

Any company can obtain the ISO 9001 standard whatever its size or its sector of activity. You may know of competitors or partners who are ISO 9001 certified and who, thanks to this label that they can display everywhere, demonstrate that they have been audited and recognized as meeting the requirements of the standard.

KmProd, the MES software that allows you to meet ISO 9001 requirements

Understanding the requirements of your business as well as the standards is essential to your daily business. This goes far beyond the simple desire to add a logo. In fact, satisfying the quality of your process requires clear indicators and tools for reporting information from the field.

We can in particular retain :

  • Real-time indicators provided by KmProd, which allow for fine-tuned management at each decision-making level
  • The possibility of displaying information on the workshop screens. Time saved and clarity for all.
  • The ability to prioritize production orders in case of need or urgency, again at the service of quality and the customer.
  • Simple and quick information on delivery times and possible delays from suppliers or customers.

KmProd, ISO 9001, Process and Added Value

Understanding where the value lies in the processes is essential (and this is not always what the field has shown us in 30 years of business). Many companies neglect this point and have “representations” about where the value really lies. The measurement tools provided by KmProd will help you to see more clearly and to make the best decisions:

  • The calculation of costs per machine, per operation, per organization (2×8, 3×8) is possible and easy to configure and read.
  • Find the SRR (Synthetic Efficiency Rate) of each machine or more widely of a process, all from your tablet or your computer.
  • The Return On Investment (ROI) is also easy to understand for short term or more macro scale analysis.

KmProd for the exclusive performance of your internal processes (and your ISO 9001 certification!)

Anticipate, understand, improve, manage. For centuries, we have been trying to better understand the reality of our productions. KmProd is thought in the heart of the industry 4.0 without forgetting its industrial past “analog”. Our piloting tools are the crossroads of our history and our time.

  • Process optimization through better management is easy with KmProd. Time and money saved towards your profitability and your ISO 9001 certification !
  • Real-time management of tool wear is also used by our customers, as well as the use of containers.
  • You know in real time where you are and will be as reactive as efficient.
  • The use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) to gain in efficiency offers our customers unique results and a “passive” follow-up of the indicators
  • The coupling with KM Maint, our CMMS tool (Computerized Maintenance Management System) will allow you an optimized follow-up of your maintenance operations.

Improving processes based on evaluated data and information from the field, the best way to ISO 9001

Once again, the KmProd MES solution helps you get closer to this certification, which will allow you to sell your expertise and your products at the best price while reassuring your customers of your know-how.

  • KmProd has a report editor that allows you to read and act on your KPIs (Knowledge Performance Indicators) in real time, with simple and advanced settings.
  • The PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) module, which has proven itself in all efficient processes, is also there to simplify your life.
  • A GPEC (Gestion Prévisionnelle des Emplois et des Compétences) module also helps you to develop your teams while knowing which talent to place in front of which challenge.
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