Why use CMMS?


The main function of CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) is to assist the maintenance departments of companies in their mission by managing, controlling and maintaining equipment in an efficient and economical way.

KmMaint organizes, plans, records and controls all types of maintenance work, optimizing them and making them more efficient.

CMMS should be seen as an investment and not as a cost because of its many benefits, such as optimized productivity and lower maintenance costs.

The 7 reasons to use CMMS :

1- Remedy the maintenance backlog

Indeed, maintenance delays are sometimes unavoidable but if they are too important, they can delay your activity and cause heavy costs to your organization (to take an extreme example, source Franceinfo: the maintenance delays in the American national parks are estimated at 12 billion dollars).

CMMS will allow you to find a balance between your resources and your maintenance costs to avoid these delays from getting out of hand.

It allows you to :

  • Schedule
  • Assign
  • Prioritize

Maintenance tasks so that none is forgotten thanks to shared schedules.

2- Increase the life span of assets

The age of your assets can often be the cause of your failures. But replacing older equipment with new ones is often expensive and represents an investment for your company, which is why good maintenance is crucial.

The goal is to keep your equipment in working order as long as possible and to do so, you must perform maintenance actions before something breaks: this is preventive maintenance.

The CMMS will allow you to monitor your equipment in real time, to detect breakdowns before they occur with indicators or to establish precise preventive plans.

3- Speed up interventions

It is not always possible to anticipate or avoid downtime (which occurs whenever equipment stops working). However, if the actions taken during these downtimes are ineffective, they will be prolonged and may accumulate.

This leads to a loss of time and therefore money for the company in lost production.

The CMMS will allow you to reduce to a minimum the intervention times and therefore the equipment downtimes by giving the technician the possibility to consult the history of the asset, the detected breakdown, the location of the spare parts, the tools and the time needed to remedy this breakdown.

4- Plan the necessary parts

Poor inventory management can lead to all kinds of problems that can quickly become costly for the organization.

CMMS will help you manage your inventory efficiently by avoiding overstock (excessive spending on inventory can increase your purchasing costs by 12 to 20%) and understock (if you don’t have the right parts at the right time downtime will be extended).

5- Automate DI (Intervention / work requests)

Stop making work requests by phone, paper, whiteboard or word of mouth!

The CMMS offers you an automated DI process, you can record work requests, configure triggers or connect to sensors that will analyze the status of an equipment in real time.

6- Improve access to maintenance resources

The CMMS will allow you to have an information center accessible to all and at any time. The accessibility to information will allow you to save time to find quickly and easily the information you need on an equipment, a DI, a BT (Work Order) always with the aim of being more efficient. You can also attach files such as :

  • videos,
  • photos,
  • to-do lists,
  • manuals,
  • tutorials,
  • diagrams,
  • accident reports…

7- Monitor and analyze maintenance actions

The CMMS traces everything that will be related to your LV, ie:

  • The people who intervened
  • The time spent on the equipment
  • The parts used
  • The downtime

This information will allow the software to draw analyses thanks to reporting indicators in order to make well-founded decisions regarding expenses and investments.

8- Conclusion

In short, KmMaint is a customizable CMMS that will simplify your maintenance department’s work and make it more efficient, especially by saving time.

The information will be easily exploitable, the tasks concretely visible, and all this with reliable and concrete analysis tools.

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